최성규, 김순현, 임상규, 박현웅
Comparison of the TiO2 nanoparticles and nanofirbers for the photocatalytic activity
KSIEC Meeting, Seoul
Oct. 15, 2009
박현웅, 김영광, 박아영
Photolysis of Aqueous Perfluorinated Compounds
KSIEC Meeting, Seoul
Oct. 15, 2009
박현웅, 박아영, 김영광
Solar Light-Assisted Treatment of Aqueous Organic Pollutants Coupled with Production of Molecular Hydrogen from Water
KSIEC Meeting, Seoul
Oct. 15, 2009
박현웅, 최원용
Effects of TiO2 surface fluorination on photocatalytic and photoelectrochemical behaviors
Korean Chemical Engineering Meeting, Kongju Univ
April 23, 2004
박현웅, 최원용
Photoelectrochemical investigation on electron transfer mediating behaviors of polyoxometalate in UV-illuminated suspensions of TiO2 and Pt/TiO2
KSIEC Meeting, Pusan Nat'l Univ
May 2, 2003
박현웅, 최원용
Visible light-induced degradation of Azo Dye Orange II via complexation with Fe(III)
KSIEC Meeting, Yeungnam Univ
May 3, 2002
김규영, 최원용, 박현웅
태양광을 이용한 금속부식 방지법 탐색
춘계한국부식학회, Kookmin Univ
May 11, 2001
박현웅, 최원용
Cathodic protection of metal using a photoelectrochemical system
KCS, Kyungsang Univ
Oct 20, 2000
강운석, 박현웅
Lithium Ion-Inserted TiO2 Nanotube Array Photoelectrocatalysts
The 27th KECS, Jeju
Nov 8, 2012
Photoelectrochemical conversion of CO2 and water into value-added chemicals
KCS, Daegu
Oct 15, 2015
양소영, 박현웅
전기화학적 양극필터 개발
대한환경공학회, Jeju
Nov. 16, 2017
Solar fuel production using oxide semiconductor electrodes
The 46th KSIEC Meeting, Daejeon
Nov. 1, 2012
Solar CO2 conversion into value-added chemicals
한국광과학회-한국유기태양전지학회 공동학술대회, Ewha Womans Univ, Seoul
Aug. 25, 2016
최원정, 조성진, 김병주, 박현웅
PV-electrolyzer hybrid system for stand-alone electrolysis system
KPVS Fall meeting, Daejeon
Oct. 31, 2017
이승훈, 김영광, 박현웅
태양광을 이용한 해수 우라늄 포집 및 환원
한국해양환경-에너지학회, Jeju
May 22, 2015
강운석, 박현웅
Artificial photoconversion of CO2 to formate using copper and iron oxides
KPVS Fall meeting, Daejeon
Oct. 31, 2017
정혜원, 박현웅
Photoelectrochemical water oxidation using metal doped BiVO4 electrodes
The 110th The Korean Chemical Society, Busan
Oct 17, 2012
최치명, 박현웅
Development of tantalum doped SnO2 anodes for electrochemical water treatment
KECS Spring Meeting, Gwangju
April 03, 2015
최승요, 박광협, 박현웅
Enhanced hole mobility on electrochemically synthesized p-type CuAlO2 photoelectrodes for efficient solar hydrogen production
120th KCS, Gwangju
Oct 19, 2017
김성훈, 박현웅
Photo-chargeable and dischargeable TiO2 and WO3 heterojuction electrodes
The 110th The Korean Chemical Society, Busan
Oct 17, 2012
최성규, 박현웅
Development of semiconductor electrodes for photoelectrochemical water oxidation and CO2 reduction
KECS Spring Meeting, Gwangju
April 03, 2015
정혜원, 김병주, 박현웅
Free Standing Blue TiO2 Nanotube Arrays on Transparent Conductive Oxide Electrodes for High-Efficiency Solar Water Splitting
120th KCS, Gwangju
Oct 19, 2017
양소영, 추연식, 박현웅
Study on the electrochemical characterization and environmental applications of metal doped SnO2 electrodes
Korean Society of Environmental Engineering, Changwon Exhibition Convention Center
Aug 23, 2012
최승요, 박현웅
Development of p-type CuAlO2 electrodes for solar hydrogen
KSIEC Fall meeting, Daegu
Nov 14, 2014
High-efficiency oxygen evolution from water using elaborately designed hematite photoanodes
120th KCS, Gwangju
Oct 19, 2017
강운석, 정혜원, 박현웅
Surface-modified semiconductor electrodes for solar fuels
The 19th Annual Meeting for Korean Society of Photoscience & Symposium on Artificial Photosynthesis, Sogan University, Seoul
June 15-16, 2012
Photosynthesis of value-added chemicals from carbon dioxide and water using oxide semiconductors
The Korean MRS, Mokpo
May 18, 2017
Key factors in enhancing the performances of electrochemically-assisted advanced oxidation processes
The 44th KSIEC Meeting, Gachon Univ
Nov 4, 2011
이승훈, 박현웅
Photoinduced reduction reaction of seawater uranium(VI) using oxide semiconductor electrodes
KSIEC Fall meeting, Daegu
Nov 14, 2014
Photocatalytic conversion of CO2 and water into value-added chemicals
KSIEC, Gwangju
May 12, 2017
H. Park
Photoelectrochemical water oxidation using oxide semiconductor electrodes
Korean Electrochemical Society, KAIST
Oct 7, 2011
p-Si nanowire arrays for solar CO2 conversion
114th KCS meeting, Gwangju
Oct 16, 2014
G. Khan and H. Park
TiO2/carbon allotropes as photocatalysts
108th KCS, Daejeon
Sept 30, 2011
강운석, 박현웅
Effects of Li ion insertion on the photoelectrochemical hydrogen evolution performance of TiO2 nanotube arrays
Spring KSP-KPVS Joint Meeting, Yonsei Univ
June 20, 2014
Development of high efficiency Cu delafossite photocatalyst films for solar fuels
The 115th KCS meeting, Goyang
April 20, 2017
T.H. Jeon and H. Park
Effect of cobalt phosphate catalyst on photoelectrochemical activity of BiVO4
108th KCS, Daejeon
Sept 30, 2011
이승훈, 김영광, 박현웅
Photoelectrochemical Conversion of Seawater Uranium(VI) Using Oxide Semiconductor Electrodes
Spring KSP-KPVS Joint Meeting
June 20, 2014
정혜원, 박현웅
Charge transfer behaviour of vertically-aligned WO3 microdisc arrays for water oxidation
The 119th KCS meeting, Goyang
April 20, 2017
전태화, 박현웅
Enhancing the photoelectrochemical water oxidation performance of BiVO4 electrodes by cobalt-phosphate catalysts
Korean Society of Photoscience, Sogang Univ
June 9-10, 2011
강운석, 박규준, 박현웅
Surface-modified TiO2 nanotube arrays for photoelectrochemical hydrogen evolution
KSIEC Spring meeting, Jeju
April 30, 2014
최승요, 박현웅
Stand-alone carbon dioxide reduction using copper oxide wire arrays powered by WO3/DSSC dual absorbers
The 119th KCS meeting, Goyang
April 20, 2017
전태화, 박현웅
Photoelectrochemical study on Hematite/TiO2 nanotubes
107th KCS, Jeju
April 29, 2011
안태은, 박현웅
A non-precious metal oxide based bi-functional catalyst for oxygen reduction and oxygen evolution
The 30th KECS, Changwon
April 11, 2014
정혜원, 박현웅
Fabrication of patterned WO3 photoanodes for enhancing photoelectrochemical water oxidation performance
KECS Spring meeting, Jeju
April 6, 2017
정혜원, 박현웅
Solar hydrogen production in water using dye-sensitized carbon allotropes
107th KCS, Jeju
April 29, 2011
정혜원, 최성규, 박현웅
Surface modified BiVO4 photoanodes for solar water oxidation
The Korean Ceramic Society, Jeju
Oct 18, 2013
최성규, 박현웅
Si 나노구조 전극 기반 태양광-수소 생산 연구
한국 수소 및 신에너지학회 2016 추계 학술대회, Gwangju
Nov 17, 2016
박아영, 박현웅
Synthesis of cadmiun-incorporated iron film and their photoelectrochemical performances for water oxidation
106th KCS, Jeju
April 29, 2011
Photoelectrochemical solar fuel generation
the 45th Korean Vacuum Society Tutorial Lecture, Yeo-su
Aug 21, 2013
정혜원, 박현웅
전기증착법을 통해 제작된 3차원 금속 산화물 광촉매 전극을 이용한 인공광합성 연구
2016 아시아태평양가스컨퍼런스, Daegu
Oct 6, 2016
안용윤, 박현웅
Electrocatalytic remediation of aqueous phenol using multi-layered BiOx-TiO2 anodes
대한화학회, 제주도
April 29, 2011
Sunlight-harnessing and storing heterojunction TiO2/WO3 electrodes for nighttime applications
Korea Society of Optoelectronics Spring Meeting, UNIST, Ulsan
June 21, 2013
최승요, 박현웅
텅스텐 산화물 광전극과 염료감응형 태양전지의 결합을 통한 구리 산화물 전극에서의 자가구동 이산화탄소 광전환 연구
2016 아시아태평양가스컨퍼런스, Daegu
Oct 6, 2016
박아영, 전태화, 박현웅
Photoelectrochemical performances of iron oxide films
Korean Electrochemical Society, KIST
Nov 4, 2010
Carbon-catalyzed solar hydrogen production
111th KCS, Il-san
April 18, 2013
김민주, 박현웅
광촉매를 이용한 폐온수로부터의 수소가스 발생 연구
2016 아시아태평양가스컨퍼런스, Daegu
Oct 6, 2016
(Photo)electrocatalytic CO2 conversion
제31회 촉매연구토론회, Pyeongchang
June 20, 2018
안용윤, 박현웅
Effects of electrolyte and anode composition for electrochemical oxidation of organic compounds
105th KCS, 대구
Oct 15, 2010
정혜원, 박현웅
Strategic Modification of BiVO4 for Improving Photoelectrochemical Water Oxidation Performance
KECS Spring Meeting, Changwon
April 12, 2013
전기촉매를 이용한 물-에너지 융합기술 (Electrocatalytic water-energy nexus hybrid technology)
The 57th KSIEC Meeting, Daegu
May 04, 2018
최성규, 전태화, 강운석, 박현웅
Modified BiVO4 Photoelectrodes for Solar Water Oxidation
KECS Spring Meeting, Changwon
April 11, 2013
박현웅, 강운석
Synthesis of formate from CO2 and water on sunlit copper and iron oxides
한국에너지기후변화학회, Jeju National Univ, Jeju
May 26, 2016
Solar chemical conversion using electrochemically disordered blue titania nanotube arrays transplanted onto transparent conductive oxide electrodes
대한금속재료학회, Jeju
April 27, 2018
전태화, 박현웅
Photoelectrochemical study on Fe2O3-loaded TiO2 nanotubes
105th KCS, 대구
Oct 15, 2010
최성규, 김순현, 임상규, 박현웅
Effects of mesoporosity and interparticle charge transfer on the photocatalytic comparison of TiO2 nanoparticles and electrospun TiO2 nanofibers
대한환경공학회, 제주도
전기화학적 수처리 기술 개발 동향 및 응용성
물과 미래도시 심포지움, Daegu
Dec. 21, 2012
Solar chloride conversion for a novel energy-water nexus
3회 인공광합성 연구회 심포지움, KIST, Seoul
Feb 28, 2018
광에너지 전환
대한화학회 환경에너지분과, Yonsei Univ
Dec. 14, 2012
수처리용 전기촉매 양극 개발 (Development of electrocatalyst anodes for water treatment)
KSIEC Spring Meeting, Yeosu
May 4, 2016
Photoelectrochemical study and application of hydrogen-treated 1D titania nanostructures
제1회 한국 LED 광전자학회, 서울대 차세대융합기술연구원, Suwon
Feb 22, 2018
김영광, 박현웅
CNT 복합 나노광촉매를 이용한 수소생산 연구
KSIEC Meeting, Busan
May 14, 2010
H. Park
Enhanced Light Harvesting in Semiconductor Photocatalysis
104th KCS, Songdo
April 30, 2010